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​Business Plan



Prepared by: 


Terresa Lynn



Savannah, Ga 31401


877.331.8377 (TESS) (business line)












This document is for information only and is not an offering for sale of securities of the Tessamae's Crabcakes & Good Eats. Information disclosed herein should be considered proprietary and confidential. The document is the property of Terresa L. Lake and TessaMae’s  CrabCakes & Good Eats, and may not be disclosed, distributed, or reproduced without the express written permission of Terresa L. Lake or TessaMae’s CrabCakes & Good Eats.







To whom it may concern, 


Enclosed is a copy of the business plan regarding the food business, Tessamae’s CrabCakes & Good Eats. We are currently seeking an investor to assist in furthering the business for start-up funds.

We are seeking $10,000. The funds will be utilized for marketing features (business cards, flyers and mailings), equipment, uniforms and other vital tools for the success of TessaMae’s CrabCakes & Good Eats, for the next 3 years.


I appreciate your consideration of the business plan for TessaMae’s CrabCakes & Good Eats. I will telephone in a few days to see if you have any questions or to discuss how we may proceed.


Thank you.





Terresa L. Lake


Breakdown of $10,000.00 start up


  • Marketing

    • business cards ​                                        mailbox (yearly)                         

    • flyers (as needed)                                     website (monthly/yearly)

    • banners                                                   telephone line (monthly)

    • tent                                                         shipping and supplies

    • vehicle displays                                       delivery warmers and coolers

    • menus                                                     postcards



  • Delivery Supplies

    • plates​                                                       wetnaps

    • napkin holders                                         bags

    • utensils/straws                                         condiments and packaging



  • Food supplies and equipment (portable warmer/refrigerator/stove burners)


  • Beverages

    • packaging of beverages​


  • Uniforms

    • chef coats, shirts, slacks, shoes, hats, tee shirts, name tags, gloves etc... ​


  • Cleaning supplies

    • towels, buckets/cleaning solutions​


  • Cash register/Square


  • Yearly subscriptions (Restaurant Depot/Sam's Club/Costco)




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